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  Arkan Industries: TM  

is a custom manufacturer of testing equipment. 

Custom test frames
For treads on the M1 Main Battle Tank
For aluminum clad copper wire used in utility power lines
Very precise running line Tensiometers
Used to calibrate other makes by Lucent Technologies
Custom pressure systems 
 For Coke-a-Cola to test pressure decay on carbonated beverages. They ship them all over the world to there subsidiaries.
The control system on a proprietary manufacturing process that is capable of :
Controlling the temperature of multiple banks of heaters
Controlling tension to +- 1Lbs force
Controlling motor speed on more than 5 tons of rollers to 1,000 inches per min. to full reverse of 1,000 inches per min. in 2 seconds to +-1 inch per min. 
A custom temperature control system that is used by the US Air Force to stress relieve the engine blocks of the C5-A 
Load cell readouts and load cell sets, custom made for testing machine calibrators, to be certified to ASTM E-74.
Water bath for concrete test cylinders to track the thermal history in curing of the concrete they are samples of.


We are actively looking for new and interesting projects!  If you have a control or measurement problem. Let us take a look at it if we can't do it economically we often can tell you who else can. The cost is minimal, this is for us the most fun part of our business so give us a call or email.   


 email us at:   Arkan@accal.com



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Last modified: February 26, 2001

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