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Murray Engineering:

Provide authoritative guidance on ASTM methods.
Solve difficult material testing and process control problems.
Available and experienced world wide.

Capabilities: our people

Our Chief  Engineer/Consultant holds 19 patents. He has been involved in the development, writing and adoption of ASTM standards for Material Testing.  He has been involved   with private industry, military and government in the development of material testing methods and standards , not only with NIST but with European governments. He is one of the foremost living experts in the design of analog computers/controls, and put the first digital meters and controls on material testing equipment. He was also instrumental in the early adoption and use of computers on material testing equipment. He has provided process control consulting,  technical liaison and material testing consulting for many global leaders including: Applied Test Systems, Baldwin, Coca-Cola, Service Physical Testing, Leads & Northrupt, Nokia Control Systems, Coti Load Cells, Fredrick Equipment Inc., Mann Equipment, SATEC/Instron, Scapa Dryer Ltd., Service Physical Testers and Carl Schenck GmbH.

Our Senior Technician has more than 30 years experience in solving material testing and process control problems and also holds many of the most advanced computer certifications available today. He  is gifted instructor  capable and experienced in  teaching and explaining technical material and procedures in a non-technical way adapting to the needs of his audience.  

Our team is available to help you and your team solve your material testing and process control problems. To provide on-site training with your equipment to achieve your quality goals . 



     Contact Information:

770-869-0911 Accurate Calibration/Main /w Voice Mail
        770-869-0913 Mark W. Murray /Accal
770-967-0911 D. Wayne Murray / Murray Engineering
          815-461-4131 eFax
Postal address:
6696 Belton Bridge Rd. Lula (Atlanta) Ga. 30554-2940
Know who you are dealing with.
Checkout our eBay profile and feedback! 
Electronic mail:
General Information: service@Accal.com
Sales: Mark@Accal.com
Customer Support: Wayne@Accal.com
Consulting needs: Accal@consultant.com
Webmaster: Webmaster@Accal.com



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Last modified: February 26, 2001

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